Actress Bhumi Pednekar has kicked off the New Year by getting back to the sets of Badhaai Do starring Rajkummar Rao. The filming began with puja ceremony on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. As the filming is being done under strict COVID-19 protocols, the cast and crew will have to get tested regularly in order to keep everyone safe and secure.
In one of the stories, she wrote, “Shoot/Food tent in the times of covid @jungleepictures #BadhaaiDo.”
The team held a puja on their first shooting day as Bhumi captioned i, “Poori Team ko #Badhaai To the new beginnings.”
Sharing a video of her swab test on her Instagram stories on Tuesday, the actress revealed how the filming is being done.
Helmed by Harshavardhan Kulkarni, Rajkummar plays the role of a Delhi cop for the first time on-screen, who is the only male cop in a mahila thana, while Bhumi plays a character of a school PT teacher.
According to the reports, it follows the story of these two characters who are in a lavender marriage. The term was used in the 1930s but is still relevant as it is about a marriage of convenience which is meant to quell suspicions that one or both spouses are homosexuals or bisexual.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar partners with global citizen initiative ‘Count Us In’ as Climate Champion in India
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